View Profile TheFlameAlchemist
Status:Thinking about S.S.B.R. So what do you want? You wouldn't want to waste your time. Why are you still reading. No life... Get out... Seriously GTFO!!!

Roy Mustang @TheFlameAlchemist

Age 36, Male




Joined on 4/18/09

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TheFlameAlchemist's News

Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - July 10th, 2009

Message to the viewer of this post:It is a sad day here at central so I will tell you the story of what is going on..

It was only tonight that it happened the death of Maes Hughes was announced and his funeral will be tomorrow so I won't be around 2pm through 4pm.Anyways it appears there is investigation being held out but authorities believe a humonculi could have shot him but then again no humonculi carries a gun which is rather awkward.So in my concern of what happened is rather hope less and I will let the military take care if that.To hughes:You said you were going push me to the top,have my back when I fall...I don't know what is more absurd you or the state.Now when I think of Hughes all I can hear him say is "Would you like to see my daughter? I have some pictures right here!".Good bye General Hughes you were there and you were the friend that was needed..

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R.I.P. fellow good friend:Brigadier General Maes Hughes

Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - July 8th, 2009

Edit!:Cooler user page header and I agree

Okay can you imagine listen to microsoft sam on max volume while wearing headphones hearing it say "ahhhhhhh!" man I can't stand that not even for a minute.Well I posted this because my Ng list of thingys was getting old.Well better get back to office I need to set lieutenant hawkeye a new assignment and keep an eye on fullmetal.See you guys around!

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - July 6th, 2009

Okay I have seen many of you do something like what I am about to do now so yeah I felt like I should try it and here we are now anyways let me begin...

The funniest flash I have seen...yet! Most people would agree with that

The quietest person I know on NG Now I can agree with that

I person I am getting to know well and getting along with on NG yeah yeah

A very addicting game yes it is

my father's website please register while you are at it.It is sort of like myspace or facebook.

The best search engine and it is

This guy rejected me when I asked to participate in his flash yes he did but we are still cool

best anime flash on NG

This kids site is a scam don't even bother buying the membership and don't get me started on how people steal membership Grrrrrrrr

Something to make you laugh since you are probably bored looking at all the junk I'm posting here

Who even goes on this anymore

another person I am getting to know

The best flash in progress okay the demo here

Well I had fun putting all that stuff there I hope you keep yourself busy with that

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - July 5th, 2009

Insult me in an any way oh and I won't get offended because it is very difficult to get me offended plus words don't hurt me LOL!

Plus my real name is Roy Domira and what is this!!

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - July 5th, 2009

What is up with these freakin' trickster advertisements over here!!!

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - June 30th, 2009

Nothing new happens so I pretty much became tired and went to sleep like everyone should do at night instead of looking up free club penguin memberships because they are too poor to afford it.Come on now it's only six dollars do you have to try to hack the stupid game just yo give some stupid digital penguin clothes and furniture!What is up with that!Oh sorry ok I'm calm now if you expected something from me today then look below...

....Don't ask

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As time goes by..

Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - June 28th, 2009

I was surprised that I got small parts in "The Devil's Maiden" which is less work for me.Other than that hope that I do a great job and I'll keep in touch with any other newgrounds people out there.Oh it's going to rain *sigh*.

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Well I'm getting started on the voice acting...

Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - June 25th, 2009

As you read the title you were probably thinking:Oh great another stupid post by TheFlameAlchemist.Well yes it is so I won't be on for a bit but I will respond to comments and PMs just in case so yeah see you guys around.

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - June 23rd, 2009

1. Your reading my post
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts

Boy are you slow.Ain't it dandy(<-- line from Xellon man that's sounds cool dandy LOL)

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Posted by TheFlameAlchemist - June 22nd, 2009

Other than that I was seraching up mario on google(you most likely think thats stupid who looks up mario on google) and found this.........

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