Message to the viewer of this post:It is a sad day here at central so I will tell you the story of what is going on..
It was only tonight that it happened the death of Maes Hughes was announced and his funeral will be tomorrow so I won't be around 2pm through 4pm.Anyways it appears there is investigation being held out but authorities believe a humonculi could have shot him but then again no humonculi carries a gun which is rather awkward.So in my concern of what happened is rather hope less and I will let the military take care if that.To hughes:You said you were going push me to the top,have my back when I fall...I don't know what is more absurd you or the state.Now when I think of Hughes all I can hear him say is "Would you like to see my daughter? I have some pictures right here!".Good bye General Hughes you were there and you were the friend that was needed..
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wow... now that is depressing!
TheFlameAlchemist (Updated )
I believe so but before I agree what is that you find depressing?