What?! Why?! That sucks.
Status:Thinking about S.S.B.R. So what do you want? You wouldn't want to waste your time. Why are you still reading. No life... Get out... Seriously GTFO!!!
Age 36, Male
Joined on 4/18/09
What?! Why?! That sucks.
??? I have NO CLUE whats going on...did I miss something?
Yeah!A lot!
dude... i'm not 15 yet... i read ur comment on Mirocka's post...
i'm 14
Oh I'm terribly sorry.
i have a question Gen.mustang
i know you need that seal on your glove to make the flames and stuff
how bout if you had a tatoo like the guy with an 'X' on his forehead
wouldn't that be easier?
Actually yes but I am practicing to do alchemy without transmutation circles.
awws. i haven't watched this show passed what it's showing ona adult swim.
The one adult swim really sucks!So many re-runs!Brotherhood is better.
Hey bro, how are you? Done any voice work lately?
Fine recovering from my injury.But anyways yeah I have I'm working on fantasy high.
O RLY?-.-
Who are you talking to and about?
Really, that's cool, who do you play in it? I'm voicing gang members in the seventh episode of Fantasy High.
random guy...
well at least its something.
true but I'm going to be in more stuff than that.Besides I am new to voice acting.
poor you.
I'm not going to watch brotherhood until it's in english dub. :(
I'd prefer subtitles because they are going to cut out some of our scenes.