if muffins could talk
i would have been fucked right now
Status:Thinking about S.S.B.R. So what do you want? You wouldn't want to waste your time. Why are you still reading. No life... Get out... Seriously GTFO!!!
Age 36, Male
Joined on 4/18/09
if muffins could talk
i would have been fucked right now
really i think they would be in war with you since you eat most of them especially banana muffins
Hey Pyro, I see our pal xellon is still going on about his muffins.
yeah it's gonna be a great newgrounds year for me
Really, why is that Pyro?
well let's just say im getting along with many people
oh yeah
to tell you the truth
muffins give me headaches when i eat them
so i just stare at them for inspiration
nah not me
Well yeah I bet that's true, everyone here on NG seem to be nice people, catch you later Pyro
ok you too
yyou metemorphed into your own sisster???
Yeah awkward LOL anyways how are you?
has anyone gave a voice acting project for you yet?
sadly no I don't know why.I tried with some guy called "coolpick" and it didn't work out so yeah I'm screwed,hope someone out there could give me the job.
In other news....BLAH hi
Hey did you hear? There are some people being sent messages from a small group of people that want to start a elite gamer group, you hear anything about this?
oh no not yet tell me more
I came across it while I was on someone's userpage. They want to start a gamer club on NG, currently looking for suitable members, got to be good gamers and have certain qualities, sounds pretty cool huh?
yeah if you find the url can you give it to me
I wish I could give you the URL but I don't know it, I think I came across it when I was going over game reviews on Domo-Kun Angry Smashfest!
oh ok
can't you just make your own flash?
no T_T
well then
if i happen to run into some artist who needs voice actors
i'll contact you
THX ^_^
Hey man, why you bored? If you want to chat I'm around
ok i'll be there